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Visia Skin Analysis - Next level skin planning and progression analysis!

The latest in skin analysis

Have you ever wondered if the skin treatments and skin care products you are using are doing exactly what they say they will? At Harleh Laser clinic we are SO excited to introduce to you the very latest VISIA skin analysis technology which is a great way to find out exactly how your treatments and skincare are progressing.

VISIA Skin Analysis is a 3D facial imaging machine. The VISIA system allows us to better select a treatment programme and protection that is right for you based on its in-depth skin analysis that assesses damage levels. With a simple non invasive photographic image, VISIA will map your skin and provide a detailed report on wrinkles, spots, pores, evenness, presence of bacteria and UV spots.

We all buy lots of skin care products, so wouldn’t it be great to know how exactly the are working? At Harleh Laser Clinic we stand by skin care being some of the best and cant wait to put them all to the test with you.  Come and see for yourself!

We have regular eye and dental checks, but omit to get our skin checked out for potential issues. A lot of skin damage is reversible and we incorporate the VISIA 3D scanning to give a scientific approach to creating tailored skin care programmes.

The advanced technology of Visia measures your skin health at the deepest level.

Each image determines what you will see on your face in the next three to 12 months.

How does it work?

While this technology has been around for years, the Visia is an advancement is measuring your skin health at the deepest level. Each images determines what you will see on your face in the next three to 12 months.

Why we like it

If you have ever visited a beauty therapist in the past and she has recommended skincare, she is probably doing a great job, however, if you could see what your skin needs, and be part of that knowledge in how to address sun damage, dryness and uneven colour, you will be more likely to use the skincare she prescribes. 

REAL results, REAL footage, really happy clients. We are excited to exclusively bring this brand new release of Visia to Pukekohe, and can't wait to show you the incredible results we know you can achieve. 

Visia Skin Analysis Price

Initial Analysis Appointment .
You will receive a personalised prescription and treatment plan  / $90 - redeemable on treatments or products purchased on the day.  
Follow Up Analysis (optional) recommended 12 weeks after your initial analysis /  $50 - redeemable on treatments or products purchased on the day

What to expect at your Visia Skin Analysis appointment

We cleanse your skin (you don't have to do this if you're short on time, however it gives a very accurate reading), next, you rest your face in the Skin Visia Machine.

We map your face by taking images from the front and from right to left. The images are downloaded to a large screen for easy analysis. Now, this is where the fun starts.

Your fine lines, pigmentation, redness, sun damage or (pigment), pore size, even your lash health is measured from the surface (epidermis), to the deepest layers (dermis) of your skin (areas where the naked eye cannot even see).


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